Thursday, April 22, 2010

Backtacular Gluteal Cleft Patch

Wow - what an attractive name for a spectacular product!  This is made for the .000001% of ladies that like the comfort and appeal of ultra-low rise jeans, but are ashamed of the resulting butt crack cleavage.  Well now you can patch it up!  While your at it, get another one for the front side to represent the pubic hair you once had in that region.  This product would also work well for those interested in the tramp-stamp look that never found the drunken spring break ambition to execute it.

1 comment:

  1. oh my lord... did you see the tagline at the top of their website?!

    drumroll please....... "Straptacular In front Backtacular From behind!" (exclamation mark and incorrect capitalization not added)

    i wish they had some specs on these products on their site. what are they made of? can i get a guarantee that the adhesive won't leave a residue?
